Friday, May 15, 2020

Is The Case Management Of Chronic Conditions And...

When transferring the case management of chronic conditions and members’ modifiable lifestyle factors from solutions to practice, the analysis of the research studies involving individuals with MS, the subjects’ privacy must be protected (Covert et al., 2016; U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2017). Each research study used to incorporate into Optum’s clinical practice and case management model must indicate its internal review board, IRB (Adams Miles, 2013). Without this IRB reviewed research protocols to ensures the research subjects’ right were protected, professionals would not want to compromise their reputation (Brown, 2014). Furthermore, the process for protecting human research subjects must reflected federal regulations and†¦show more content†¦The health insurance industry has described technology as driving healthcare more than any other force and expects this trend to continue dramatically into the future (United Health Group, 201 7). As a result, Optum, a subsidiary of United Health Group, has implemented the net promoter score (NPS), as research indicated if an organization’s NPS is higher than its competitors, the company with likely outperform the market (Griffin et al., 2016). As a result, members are requested to complete an electronic on-line survey or a telephonic questionnaire to gauge whether member feedback indicates the company would be recommended to a friend. However, before taking Optum’s word on the need to move to a NPS survey process, a diligent nurse will look at where and when the NPS originated. Although the customer experience loyalty was not developed specifically for health insurance companies, Fred Reichheld from Bain Company introduced NPS in a Harvard Business Review article titled, â€Å"The One Number You Need to Grow† (Reichheld, 2003). After the net promoter score concept was introduced in 2003, research began and numerous articles has provided evidence in support of and in opposition of the survey method and process. One article supporting the NPS examined the execution of observed service attributes in the advancement of overall customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in a health care environment (Lonial Raju, 2015). Although this study showed that customer

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